Complex Suspensory Injury
Spiral lesion and branch degeneration of left front suspensory, with dropped fetlock. Initial injury was in July 2023 with a recurrence in September 2023. DSS fitted in December 2023.
Dr Roxy Leyshon
Florida, USA
Left Front Suspensory Ligament Lateral Branch
Zerengetti had a left front suspensory ligament lateral branch injury in 2022, and was still occasionally presenting lame in October 2023. DSS protocol started in Autumn 2023 to rehab the ligament.
Gillian Goncalves
South Africa
Diagnosed with DSLD and advised PTS
In November 2023, a much loved competition pony, King, was found severely lame in his field with right hind dropped fetlock. He was originally diagnosed with DSLD and advised to be put to sleep.
Joe Rouke
Northern Ireland