19 Year Old Ruptured SDF

Initial Assessment and History

In September 2023, the owner of Guideon, in Canada, called us with very little hope for her 19 year old horse who had ruptured his superficial digital flexor. Her only hope was to give Guideon some support and to bring him comfort at rest and hopefully rehab him enough to be able to turn him out for his old days in a little paddock to eat grass.

After Christine read a few cases the Equine Tendon had  handled in the past, she introduced her research to her vet who jumped on board to help her and discover more about Equine Tendon and what we had to offer. 

The Equine Tendon team fitted Guideon with a TendonPro DSS boot and the same day the horse was able to walk far enough to eat grass, lay down and nap. The farrier could also finally put shoes on the his other feet.

After a few months of rehab guided with the Christine’s local vet and with a few regenerative treatment, we were able to UTC Guideon and could advice for more work with some riding. 

Christine couldn’t believe we said this horse could have a rider and go on hacks as well as start to trot in order to fix the tendon properly. 

Guideon is now, after less than a year, back to his original work, with no support or maintenance.

Guideon is very happy to leave his stable and be with his friends outside on pasture and go on hack with his longtime friend Christine.

Originall Injury Swollen tendon
Guideon's Story